"Memory Series" is a succession of pieces intended to create an audible “map” of the progression of memory, and how it strays organically from its original iteration over time.
Think of your most vivid memories, every detail you can recall.
What if you were told that your playback of those memories is different than what happened in reality? Many believe that the most reliable storage system we have is our own memory. Cognitive psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has demonstrated that this is far from true. Memory is more complex than playback, and it is often reorganized and manipulated.
While memory is indeed faulty, it is also astonishingly creative. When we relive or remember moments of our lives, certain aspects are reshaped in our minds without our knowledge. This happens to the extent that the more a memory is replayed, the further the playback strays from what really happened. Being inspired and challenged by this idea that all our memories are flawed, I have begun to create a series of electroacoustic pieces all stemming from a single recorded improvisation. The process by which this piece is being created is similar to the way(s) our memories are formed and slowly changed over time. The goal of this series of pieces is to create an audible “map” of the progression of memory, and how it strays organically from its original iteration over time.
Think of your most vivid memories, every detail you can recall.
What if you were told that your playback of those memories is different than what happened in reality? Many believe that the most reliable storage system we have is our own memory. Cognitive psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has demonstrated that this is far from true. Memory is more complex than playback, and it is often reorganized and manipulated.
While memory is indeed faulty, it is also astonishingly creative. When we relive or remember moments of our lives, certain aspects are reshaped in our minds without our knowledge. This happens to the extent that the more a memory is replayed, the further the playback strays from what really happened. Being inspired and challenged by this idea that all our memories are flawed, I have begun to create a series of electroacoustic pieces all stemming from a single recorded improvisation. The process by which this piece is being created is similar to the way(s) our memories are formed and slowly changed over time. The goal of this series of pieces is to create an audible “map” of the progression of memory, and how it strays organically from its original iteration over time.