"Liars in Fur Coats," a full length dance work created in collaboration with Dr. Karen Munroe, biology professor at Baldwin Wallace University and the Baldwin Wallace Theatre and Dance Department. Dr. Munroe studies the social and mating habits of squirrels.
Listen to an excerpt from the movement "Eco-System Engineers" that explores the variety of squirrel species around the world, and the important role they play in building and maintaining eco-systems. Aside from being a good source of nutrition for predators, squirrels are accountable for nearly 70% of forests around the world.
Listen to an excerpt from the movement "Eco-System Engineers" that explores the variety of squirrel species around the world, and the important role they play in building and maintaining eco-systems. Aside from being a good source of nutrition for predators, squirrels are accountable for nearly 70% of forests around the world.